Since January 7, 2017, a mobile memorial has been making stops at various cultural centers, museums, theaters and other locations. The Mobile Memorial has been on Goetheplatz since 7 January 2023. The Mobile Place of Remembrance includes a board in German, English and... Weiter
Already since the beginnings of the distribution of emetics and the institutionalization of the system of emetic torture, diverse civil society protests and political resistance appeared. The initiative in memory of Laye Alama Condé sees itself in the continuity of... Weiter
Since 2006, commemorative actions, rallies and demonstrations have been held annually on the anniversary of Laye-Alama Condé’s death on January 7. Already since the first commemorative action in 2006, a memorial plaque was erected and remained for weeks at a... Weiter
In 2006, a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) put an end to the state’s distribution of emetics. This ruling was based on the resistance and perseverance of a person affected from Wuppertal, Mr. Abu Bakah Jalloh, who was subjected to the forced... Weiter
Am 27. Dezember 2004 wurden dem aus Sierra Leone geflüchteten Laye Condé im Polizeipräsidium Bremen gegen seinen Willen vom Beweissicherungsdienst durch eine Nasensonde zwei Stunden lang mehrere Liter Wasser und Brechmittelsirup eingeflößt.
Zwischen 1991 und 2004 sind in Bremen in über 1.000 Fällen an Menschen im Polizeigewahrsam Brechmittel verabreicht worden.
Am 7. Januar 2005 starb Laye Condé an den Folgen der Brechmittelfolter.