We regret that this page has so far only been presented in German Tag 1, 9.4.2013: Verlesung der Anklage und der Prozessgrundlagen; Erklärung des Angeklagten; Verlesung eines einschüchternden Briefes von Bürgermeister Scherf an Gesundheitssenatorin Wischer; Vernehmung... Weiter
Over 1,000 administrations of emetics also mean over 1,000 police interventions. As early as 1995, the Anti-Racism Office Bremen documented a large number of cases in the brochure ‚Polizisten die zum Brechen reizen‘’ (‘Police officers who provoke... Weiter
Since January 7, 2017, a mobile memorial has been making stops at various cultural centers, museums, theaters and other locations. The Mobile Memorial has been on Goetheplatz since 7 January 2023. The Mobile Place of Remembrance includes a board in German, English and... Weiter
1991-1995Here are documented statements of affected persons made in Bremen in the 1990s. The reports were published in 1995 in the brochure “Polizisten, die zum Brechen reizen” (“Policemen who provoke to vomit”) by the Anti-Racism... Weiter
Former Bremen police chief Lutz Müller on error culture: “Racial profiling must not exist”, taz, 07.08.2021 Racial continuity. The Lindenstraße case shows: Bremen is far from having freed itself from the racist thinking of colonialism. If the state... Weiter
The killing of Laye Condé was not an isolated incident, racist (police) violence is not an isolated incident. It has a system. Many people affected and solidary supporters have formed alliances nationwide to name this violence, to make it visible and to stand up for... Weiter
Am 27. Dezember 2004 wurden dem aus Sierra Leone geflüchteten Laye Condé im Polizeipräsidium Bremen gegen seinen Willen vom Beweissicherungsdienst durch eine Nasensonde zwei Stunden lang mehrere Liter Wasser und Brechmittelsirup eingeflößt.
Zwischen 1991 und 2004 sind in Bremen in über 1.000 Fällen an Menschen im Polizeigewahrsam Brechmittel verabreicht worden.
Am 7. Januar 2005 starb Laye Condé an den Folgen der Brechmittelfolter.