In Bremen, the Senate and the Bürgerschaft attempted to avoid discussion throughout the entire duration of the administration of emetics. “I did not want to reach the public,” was how Henning Scherf (SPD), as the responsible senator of justice, put it as... Weiter
The audio reproduced here is part of the Mobile Place of Remembrance for Laye Condé and 13 years of emetic torture in Bremen. It can also be accessed in written form here. The audio was completed in 2015, but still gives a good overview of what happened in Bremen.... Weiter
Many institutions have enabled and supported the system of emetics. Without the consent or at least the tolerance of all these institutions, this system would not have been possible. All institutions acted in a similar way: the allocation of emetics was supposed to go... Weiter
Commemoration rally on the 20th anniversary of the death of Laye Alama Condé Tuesday, January 7, 2025 5:30 p.m. Am Wall 208, 28195 Bremen January 7 marks the 20th anniversary of the killing of Laye Alama Condé by institutionalized emetic torture. His death was the... Weiter
Am 27. Dezember 2004 wurden dem aus Sierra Leone geflüchteten Laye Condé im Polizeipräsidium Bremen gegen seinen Willen vom Beweissicherungsdienst durch eine Nasensonde zwei Stunden lang mehrere Liter Wasser und Brechmittelsirup eingeflößt.
Zwischen 1991 und 2004 sind in Bremen in über 1.000 Fällen an Menschen im Polizeigewahrsam Brechmittel verabreicht worden.
Am 7. Januar 2005 starb Laye Condé an den Folgen der Brechmittelfolter.